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Thudio Paint Picker

This is the project while i worked on Dekoruma as an internships. I build this projects around 2 months and have a great results.


Thudio is one of the 3D design interior software that is often used by interior design professionals to create 3D interior design images that look real. There are more than a thousand of colors that is available in theory. Listing those paint in Thudio for each brand we want to onboard is not feasible with current system. We found that only 40% of Thudio users use the paint picker feature. We want to develop Thudio further into super platform for interior design. This includes adding paint picker tools into our platform because 46% percent of material used in Thudio is paint. For the result, We Increased MAU by 15%.

Project Date

Jan 2022 - Feb 2022


  • Doing interview, competitive analysis, wireframing, design and usability test.

  • Collaborate with Design Lead, PM, Business people, Design Interior team, and Engineer to build and discuss the concept.


  • Thudio is one of the 3D design interior software that is often used by interior design professionals to create 3D interior design images that look real.

  • There are more than a thousand of colors that is available in theory. Listing those paint in Thudio for each brand we want to onboard is not feasible with current system.

  • We found that only 40% of Thudio users use the paint picker feature.

  • We want to develop Thudio further into super platform for interior design. This includes adding paint picker tools into our platform because 46% percent of material used in Thudio is paint.

Expected Outcome

Increase % active MAU

Design Approach

  • Gathering user needs with PM. First thing first, we conduct meeting altogether with PM, business team, interior design team and engineer.

  • User Interview. I do user interview together with PM to understand the problem from the user side directly.

  • Competitive Analysis. I started with a list of competitors offering similar services and started comparing the features that they had in common and the distinctions that they had made.

  • Conceptual Explorations. Doing wireframing and thinking about the edge cases. Discussed with other team and PM. Iterate! In this phase, iteration is done 2 times because the project is a bit ambiguous.

  • Visual Explorations. Performing visual exploration to explore the visual hierarchy for the product, ensuring that the components used the company's design guidelines.

  • Usability Testing. We did usability testing to validate whether the solutions have resolved user problems or still need improvements.

  • Documentation! Write documentation about our process and lesson learnt to used by other team.



User Interview

We(designer & PM) conduct user interview to understand the problem from the user side directly. We want to know how the journey is felt by the user and understand the existing problems. Thudio's target user is Interior designer, we interviewed 3 interior designers, divided into : tech savvy and non-tech savvy.

What we found from user interview

  • Users need more time to choose paint colors based on the current system

  • Mostly designers already have several website references/catalogs that are usually used as references

  • Flow Paint Color-pick:

    • Current:

      • Most of the time, designers explore the color in the catalog, get the paint code and product line, then apply to the design

      • Other cases when the customer chooses the paint brand first and then explores the paint color

    • Suggestions:

      • (tech savvy) choose the color first then choose the brand, because the current workflow is more about exploring colors first

      • (non-tech savvy) choose a brand first and then choose a color, because there are brands that are prioritized in Dekoruma and sometimes customers also request to use brand A, B or C


I want to know how the current product works technically. Wireflow helps me visualize the full picture of the current product.

What i found from observation

  • Based on the current product, the user has to go through several long steps to be able to choose a wall paint product so that it can be used.

  • The current product is still unable to filter wall paint based on the color, this is very confusing for users because they have to be observant in choosing the color of wall paint to be used.

Competitive Analysis

I started with a list of competitors offering similar services and started comparing the features that they had in common and the distinctions that they had made.

Dulux paint color picker

  • Journey : user choose the color filter -> user choose the color -> user see the list of products by it's color -> user pick the products.

  • This website use color filters to filter out all the colors they have, this really helps to reduce the user's cognitive load.

  • This website have filter by product type, paint positions and project type. This help user to find their needs quickly than ever.

Benjamin moore color picker

  • Journey : user choose the color filter -> user choose the color -> user see the list of products by it's color -> user pick the products.

  • This website use color filters to filter out all the colors they have, this really helps to reduce the user's cognitive load.

  • This website doesn't have another filter besides color filter.

What i found from those Competitive Analysis:

  • General flow: user choose the color filter -> user choose the color -> user see the list of products by it's color -> user pick the products.

  • All competitors use color filters to filter out all the colors they have, this really helps to reduce the user's cognitive load.


Conceptual Exploration

Based on stakeholder's consideration and benchmarking to the competitor, first thing first, I want to continue doing conceptual explorations for the possible solution. The exploration necessarily involves pursuing many different ideas that guide the product in slightly different directions. I did exploration to finds solutions to user’s problems and also find best solutions for business and engineering team.

Proposed Flow 1

  • Flow : Start -> Material -> Wall & Floor -> Category -> Brand -> Paint Lists -> Application to objects -> End

  • This exploration is most similar to current products, wich means the solutions is having the minimum efforts for engineering team.

Proposed Flow 2

  • Flow : Start -> Material -> Wall & Floor -> Category -> Hue Filter -> Color List -> Detail product -> Application to objects -> End

  • In this flow exploration, i explore 2 possible different listing shape and product details.

After discussed with team, this is the final concept for our paint-picker features


Visual Explorations

Final Solutions Find paint-product listings journey

Search journey

Filter Journey

Usability Testing

We conduct usability testing to 3 of interior designer's. We ask them to do multiple task like :

  • Please draw a wall on Sketchup and give it paint from Thudio plugins.

  • Please find for paint-colors using search bar.

  • Please apply filters on your color explorations.

The result is all of the participants passed the test with very quickly. We assume that our solutions already meet their problem and ready to implement on code.


  1. We Increased MAU by 15%.

  2. We generate some cool ideas for our project and our team who come from different function also feels it worth it, because they was learn about new methodology to understand how people decide and react to our product in psychological way.

  3. We also made a full documentation about our process and lesson learnt to used by other team.


What i learned

  1. Collaboration is a must. Don't be scared to ask feedback from other teams too!

  2. Justify your design decisions with research (all kind of research). This is when you need research to back up your decision whether it is some real data from usability testing, or an existing pattern in other Apps and products. These researches enable you to not only explain why this works but also show that it actually works.


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